Genre : Goa Trance, Psytrance & Downtempo
Country : Romania
Emanuel Carpus, born and living in Romania, started making music since 1999, In the year 2000, E-Mantra project came into existence and started making goa tunes.
Hailing from Constanta, a port city on the Black Sea of Romania, E-Mantra is a seasoned veteran and prolific composer, with several releases on respected labels such as Suntrip and Altar, under a variety of aliases (E-Mantra, Emanuel Carpus, Neurosect, and Night Hex, to name a few).
Early on in his career, Emanuel was influenced by a wide variety of sounds, including acid, techno, and of course trance, but he’s primarily known for representing Goa Trance and Goachill / psychill / Psybient (call it what you will).
One of the things that makes his productions special is the emotional richness he brings to his craft, as well as his ability to create a sense of traveling into other worlds (both inner and outer). If you had a rocket ship to explore the stars this would be your ‘go-to’ soundtrack.
Each song tells a story. This happens through his choice of sounds, and of course arrangements. Textures are lush, as melody lines are tripped out with delays that intertwine and morph in and out of the soundscape. His leads often have a modulating acid tinge that harken back to classic early TIP releases. Lush, mysterious, and completely hypnotic, these are songs that are a true joy to listen to.
E-Mantra is always upping his game with each release, making him one of the most revered and respected producers from Eastern Europe, with several thousand followers on Soundcloud, and excellent reviews over the span of his career.
One of the reasons he’s so popular is he represented Goa Trance at a time when Psytrance was on the upswing, so for fans of the old-school he became a sort of musical savior. And while he’s moved on to other sounds to satisfy his artistic needs, he still maintains that respect for his roots, all with a polished, modern production that really allows the listener to get into a state of trance.